Saturday, March 28, 2009
25 random things about me too ;)
1. I am a typical phattu behenji and other behenjis know that pretty well.
2.I love dogs and puppies very much ,sometimes to the extent that I wish I were a dog( or a bitch,which is closer ;) ) At some ungodly hour when I get bored of that "mug and puke" studies, I wander to the balcony and look at some dogs lolling about at the pavement and think how much better their life is as compared to mine....
3.No offence intended-but I hate being mistaken for a South Indian. All dark skinned people are NOT South Indians.And I absolutely abhor the smug attitude of people when they declare with a (yeah baby,I have hit the bull's eye)- "Oh you must be a Tamilian", "Are you from Trivandrum" , "You are from Madurai, rite?"I really have to resist an urge of hitting on their head with a brickbat.
4. I am mortally afraid of crossing the roads. I would rather wait half an hour at the roadside than cross the road with vehicles zooming past. Thankfully most of my friends know about this fear of mine and help me cross the road. But am really in a mess when I have to do it alone. Am also sceptical of walking down the stairs.
5. I love sleeping....I would proclaim my life to be a battle against sleep.
6.Am a bit of a maniac on pronunciation.I do not hold anything against people who have learned English as a secondary language....but I scoff at people who pronounce "schedule" as "sked-yool" as if it the hep term. Please guys, if you cannot stick to the common (and correct) pronunciation of "shed-yool", look up the word to find out the alternative correct pronunciation, which is "skej-yool". Also please please look up the pronunciation of "rapport". I am not saying that I am fact the only reason why I got hooked to phonetics was that I used to be the butt of jokes because of my own pronunciation errors(which I still make:( )
7.I am still unable to discover what is so cute about kids and soft toys. Kids cry and demand attention and they do not think like adults. Small puppies are so much better than small kids.
8.Though I do not think ADIDAS ;) my thought process and aspirations are more like men.
9.I am a vegetarian.Not because I am born into a particular community.I turned vegetarian in second year of college (a bit too late I guess)out of my own conviction and love towards animals. I regret to say that I still eat eggs as I do not like milk and fear that no animal protein may be a bit too hard on me.
10. I have an absolute dislike for MCPs. And I am not a feminist. I belong to a generation where gender equality is a norm rather than an achievement.
11. I cannot stand the smell of sweat....had a hard time during final year clinics.....People should always smell good!
12. I cannot still discover what is so great about sports. Guys, its a stress buster and a healthy activity. Why do people get so maniacal about these IPLs and GSPLs;) ? There are things in life far more important than these.........
13. Dancing is one thing I am absolutely handicapped at.....maybe I have a cerebellar dysfunction....I am always in awe of people who are great dancers.In fact figure skating is the only sport I like to watch.
14.I also wish I had a better memory so that I could remember all the medical stuff.
15.My lacrimal glands are not under my brain's control. One day I will master them.
16.I am overtly sentimental and my outwardly aggressive attitude is a mask to cover what lies within.I made a promise to myself long back that I shall not be used as a doormat and am still keeping that promise.This is because I know how it feels to be kicked around.
17. I wish I were high on confidence! Am a classical example of Cluster C Anxious type trait.
18.From my childhood, I have had a parrot, many rabbits, pigeons, sparrow, white mice, chicks, tadpoles, fishes and many dogs at pets. And my mom put up with all that.:) I don't have a pet at present since my German Shepherd Joey died. :(
19.I am good at painting and pencil shading(my drawing teacher said so) But I stopped doing that teens in my after I realised it was a girly thing to do. Now I no longer consider it to be a girly thing and I wish I could find time to resume it!
20. I am a voracious reader and like reading fiction.....prefer reading books to watching TV or movies.Don't know why I cannot read my course book with the same gusto :(
21. I like old people very much and it breaks my heart to see them in pain or being ill treated , sometimes by their own children.Am thinking of Geriatrics as a career option.
22.I like the Mumbai's weather very much. Can't understand why people complain of humidity.Its so nice here all the year round.Except rains. I HATE monsoons.The mud, the slosh,the stink !!!
23.I suffer from pathological myopia....that is progressive myopia which leads to retinal degeneration. That process has already begun since I was 16.Losing my vision is a reality which I may face in my fifties. I have been wearing contact lenses since I was in class seventh and find it amusing when people comment"chasma kab lagaa?" whenever I wear glasses to college.Guys, judging from the thickness of my glasses,isn't it obvious that I have not had an acute attack of myopia?
24.I learnt to respect my mother tongue Hindi after coming to Mumbai and realizing how Maharashtrians respect their language. Now I even think that there is nothing wrong with Bhojpuri/Bihari.Its just another language like Marathi,Punjabi,Marwari,Gujarati etc. Though chauvinism when it comes to language does not go down well with me."When in Maharashtra, speak Marathi" is an obnoxious attitude.The people here forget the common etiquette that two people who speak a common language should converse in that.
25.I am not a foodie.I eat to live and not vice versa.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
LAQ... A Behenji
A Behenji is defined as a plain-looking woman who blends into the background and is an expert at commiting stupid errors because of her slow thinking and is struggling for survival and reproduction.
Her only solace in life is bitching about other people which she does discreetly though in large packs. Most behenjis are lonely in the beginning but eventually they sniff out similar beings in the crowd and form a cohort. It helps to have behenjis in different spheres because they can collect more information and form a greater database. Behenjis stick together through thick and thin. Like velcro. And make just as much noise. At any point of time a behenji is either giggling (we never laugh) or arguing or bitching. Activities like thinking, creating, innovating are unheard of as yet.
Behenjis repel men. Or they become good friends. Some behenjis are prone to attract men from lower socioeconomic groups when they are crossing streets or ambling around late at night. That's all.
Most behenjis use embroidered handkerchiefs with surface areas less than their own palms. It's used just for moral support. To establish yourself as a pucca behenji wear matching clothes and accesories. From hair clips to slippers. A behenji can never look into a mirror without convulsing 4 times worried about her appearance. Behenji cohorts have one primary female who is the stereotype . Others are variations of her. Some just wallow in its principles.
The most intellectual decisions taken by us varies from what to wear this evening to what to wear next day. Majority of the discussions deal with what that bitch wore today. Or didn't wear.
Behenjis are accomplished in book-keeping. Be it borrowed money or grudges, we never forget, believe me. Behenjis have secret nicknames for everyone. It eases confusion so we know exactly whom we are bitching about.
Behenjis are introspective women who love to think and talk about themselves.
And blog.