Thursday, August 12, 2010

Courage doesnt roar...its d quiet voice that says at the end of day..lets try again tomorrow

Have come across the greatest examples of courage/ determination and resilience over the last few weeks...seeing such people still trying, despite all the pain and agony, despite all d setbacks and still trying to live out another day is truly inspiring..seeing them your problems pale in comparision....
A young Afghani, early 20s, an accidental casualty of a bomb blast..b/l AK and rt arm AE amputation, b/l orchidectomy, diverting colostomy coming for distal cologram...accompanied by his aged father...his father lifting him up so gently, so tenderly, d young guy trying his best with just one capable was truly heart-rending...
Another young girl..4 yrs..born wid esophageal atresia operated immediately after birth with a gastric coming for a dye study to check for integrity of anastomosis..gone through multiple surgeries..a feeding jejunostomy hanging from one side...yet her Mother explaining to her so patiently, such love, d girl smiling so beatifically and co-operating so well for d was truly touching..incidentally she happened to be a Bahraini citizen...
Another 3 month baby born with high anorectal malformation operated on day 2 of birth with diverting colostomy and now coming for distal cologram to evaluate distal loop and recto-urinary communications..d baby having endured meningits n sepsis and yet fighting on...the parents taking such special care of him..that's resilience 4 u...
I know radiology generally keeps me shielded from direct involvement and yet d limited exposure that i get when these patients come for their tests to our room is enough to leave me profoundly affected, thinking, pondering and then finally blogging..and I wouldn't want it any other way ever..